The quantum state wave
The quantum state wave represents the probability of finding a quantum object, such as an electron or a photon, as well as larger composite objects such as buckyballs of 64 carbon atoms, at the measurement location.
This state wave is not directly observable. Because probabilities are not directly observable and thus are not physical. So the state wave can no longer be called physical, but it will have to be metaphysical in nature. The quantum collapse, that is the appearance of the quantum object in the measuring instrument and the end of the state wave, has been the subject of discussion since 1910 and the source of various material and non-material hypotheses.
Duality, a solution?
The material hypotheses are all demonstrably wrong, read the discussion elsewhere on this site. In the non-material hypotheses, the consciousness of the observer does play a role, but it is not clear how it does that.
Most non-material hypotheses are dual, that is, a physical material world on the one hand and a non-physical spiritual world on the other. The way in which these two worlds interact is unclear. It reminds of magic.
The consensus about the observed world question
When the mind-world interaction is assumed, another problem rises. It is that we live in a consensus world. We generally more or less agree with each other on what we observe and have observed. With respect, an influence of non-physical consciousness on the physical material world is very much like magic, hocus pocus.
By the way, Hocus pocus is a term probably originated from the catholic service. The most popular conjecture is that it is a garbled Latin religious phrase: Hoc est Corpus meum.
Is an interpretation possible where this kind of ‘magic’ is not needed and which also explains consensus? Yes, that’s the idea of a Cosmic Consciousness of which we are all fragments.
The universe as one great thought
The material universe is then one great thought existing within cosmic consciousness. Our minds are then fragments of that consciousness usually unaware of that during our existence in the ‘real’ world. It is a virtual environment in which we seem to be to gain experience.
Observations , which are manifested thoughts within our limited human consciousness which is a minuscule fragment of cosmic consciousness, provide information that is stored in a cosmic memory.
This action of storing the observed information in cosmic memory is what physicists call the quantum collapse, the manifestation of the observed object. With that storage, the history of the observed and therefore that of the individually experienced universe is recorded for all conscious fragments.
Time as the result of remembering
This is the ultimate reason that you and me usually perceive the same event or, rather, have observed it because every observation immediately becomes remembered history. Thus remembering is reading the cosmic memory records and that is the ultimate reason that we experience changes and therefore also time.
A book
The contents of this site are just a very concise extract of the ‘Quantum Physics is NOT Weird’. Are you interested?
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