The 2019 SSE Conference will be held June 5-8 at the beautiful Omni Interlocken Hotel in Broomfield, Colorado.

I’m invited to do a poster presentation on June 7 2019 at the SSE conference on consilience. Here is the text of my submission paper:

Submission presentation SSE – english

Interpretations of quantum physics trying to save the idea of an objective reality existing outside us will not survive critical examination of their explanation of the so-called quantum collapse. The following interpretations will be tackled:

  • Kopenhagen macro apparatus interpretation,
  • Decoherence,
  • Super selection,
  • Hidden variables,
  • Multiversa,
  • Spontaneous quantum collapse.

However other interpretations that do accept the connection between the conscious observer and quantum reality confer the problem of the nature of this connection to a more or less magical action on physical reality by a non-physical consciousness. Something I often refer to as ‘Harry Potter’ magic. These interpretations are:

  • The Matrix,
  • No quantum collapse whatever,
  • Von Neumann Projection Postulate.

Those three interpretations and the Kopenhagen interpretation do recognize the quantum wave being a non-physical possibility wave. The quantum wave function gives the time and location dependent possibility to find the quantum particle in a measurement. Because the mathematic expression for the quantum wave describes a probability, which is also nowhere exact null, the wave should be regarded as just as non-local as a thought. These interpretations acknowledging the role of consciousness do not however solve these problems:

  1. how works consciousness its effect on the non-physical quantum possibility wave,
  2. how it is possible that multiple observer minds manifest the same outcome? When I observe the moon, I’m surely not the only one so how can I possibly manifest the moon?
It’s really all in our mind

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