Er zijn heel weinig boeken die zich diepgravend bezighouden met beide onderwerpen en hun verbondenheid. Dat is precies waar ik met mijn eigen boek op gericht heb. Toch is er een grote hoeveelheid interessante lectuur op dit gebied te vinden. De toegekende sterren geven natuurlijk mijn persoonlijke opinie van het boek en hoe geschikt ik het vind in het kader van het onderwerp van deze website – kwantumfysica én bewustzijn.
Titel | Auteur(s) | Jaar uitgave | Sterren |
Quantum | Manjit Kumar | 2008-2009 | **** |
Toeval! – Hoe de kwantumfysica ons wereldbeeld verandert | Anton Zeilinger | 2005 | *** |
The Self-Aware Universe | Amit Goswami | 1993-1995 | **** |
Science and Psychic Phenomena | Chris Carter | 2007 | **** |
The Conscious Universe | Dean Radin | 1997 | **** |
Quantum Enigma – Physics encounters Consciousness | Bruce Rosenblum, Fred Kuttner | 2011 | ***** |
The Holographic Universe | Michael Talbot | 1991 | *** |
In Einstein’s achtertuin – Een duizelingwekkende toer langs de mooiste ideeën uit de natuurkunde | Amanda Gefter | 2014 | **** |
Hoeveel geest kan de wetenschap verdragen? | Juleon Schins | 2004 | *** |
To explain the world -The discovery of modern science | Steven Weinberg | 2015 | ** |
30-Second Quantum Theory – The 50 most thought-provoking quantum concepts, each explained in half a minute | Brian Clegg | 2015 | ** |
Introducing Quantum Theory – A Graphic Guide | J.P. McEvoy, Oscar Zarat | 2013 | *** |
Gravity does not exist – A Puzzle for de 21st Century | Vincent Icke | 2014 | *** |
Why science does not disprove God | Amir D. Aczel | 2014 | ** |
The way from Science to Soul – Integrating Physics, the Brain & the Spiritual Journey | Casey Blood | 2007 | *** |
Reality is not what it seems – The Journey to Quantum Gravity | Carlo Rovelli | 2014 | **** |
The End of Time | Julian Barbour | 1999 | *** |
An End to Upside Down Thinking | Mark Gober | 2018 | **** |
Transcendental Physics | Edward R. Close | 1997 | ** |
Lost in Math – How beauty leads physics astray | Sabine Hossenfelder | 2018 | *** |
The Quantum Handshake – Entanglement, Nonlocality and Transactions | John G. Cramer | 2016 | ** |
The Mind of God – Science & The Search for Ultimate Meaning | Paul Davies | 1992 | *** |
About Time – Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution | Paul Davies | 1995 | **** |
The Order of Time | Carlo Rovelli | 2017 | *** |
Quantum Mechanics – The Theoretical Minimum | Leonard Susskind, Art Friedman | 2014 | ** |
The Universe in your Hand – A Journey through Space, Time and Beyond | Christophe Galfard | 2015 | ** |
Beyond Weird | Philip Ball | 2019 | **** |
The idea of the World | Bernardo Kastrup | 2019 | **** |
Quantum Activism Can Save Civilisation | Amit Goswami | 2011 | ** |
Life on the Edge – The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology | Jim Al-Khalili, JohnJoe McFadden | 2015 | **** |
Time Loops and Space Twists – How God Created the Universe | Fred Alan Wolf | 2011 | *** |
The Nature of Space and Time | Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose | 1996 | *** |
The new Science of Consciousness Survival | Alan Ross Hugenot | 2016 | *** |
Light Years – The extraordinary Story of Mankind’s Fascination with Light | Brain Clegg | 2001 | ** |
My Big TOE | Thomas Campbell | 2003 | *** |
The Rainbow and the Worm | Mae-Wan Ho | 2008 | **** |
Living Rainbow H2O | Mae-Wan Ho | 2012 | *** |
There is nothing but Mind and Experiences | R. Craig Hogan | 2020 | *** |
Mind into Matter – A New Alchemy of Science and Spirit | Fred Alan Wolf | 2001 | *** |
The selection Effect – How Consciousness Shapes Reality | Herbert Ian Mertz | 2020 | *** |
Biocentrism – How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe | Robert Lanza, Bob Berma | 2009 | *** |
A lawyer presents the Evidence for the Afterlife | Victor & Wendy Zammit | 2013 | *** |
Het deel en het geheel | Werner Heisenberg | 2001 | **** |
Helgoland | Carlo Rovell | 2021 | ***** |
7 korte beschouwingen over natuurkunde | Carlo Rovelli | 2017 | *** |
QED-The Strange Theory of Light and Matter | Richard P. Feynman | 2006 | **** |
De Kwanten | Marten Toonder | 1995 | ***** |
Bouwstenen van de Materie – Inleiding tot de atoomfysica en de kwantummechanica | Heiko Jan Mein | 2018-2019-2020 | *** |
Through Two Doors at Once | Anil Anantaswamy | 2019 | ***** |
The Trouble with Gravity – Solving the Mystery beneath our Feet | Richard Panek | 2019 | ***** |
Waarom materialisme totale onzin is | Bernardo Kastrup | 2023 | ***** |